Today I want to dive into the topic of COVID-19 for one simple reason, the term or new diagnosis of Long Covid. I realize this is still a very sensitive topic for many and for good reason. It's unfortunate that politics got involved which divided us into groups. Let me make this perfectly clear: POLITICS HAS ZERO PLACE IN MEDICINE!
Back in mid 2019, I was doing some research on how viruses have been responsible for leading to chronic illnesses. Last few years prior to C-19, a lot of research had come out linking Epstein Barr to Multiple Sclerosis. MS is one condition that still hasn't had a true identification as to why we develop this. While searching for different studies on a few topics, I ran across a video of Anthony Fauci dated January 2017 in which he is telling an interviewer that a virus was coming, what the symptoms would be, it would be respiratory in nature, and it would hit during the Trump administration. Now, unless he is a psychic how would he know this? I kind of laughed it off and went on researching my topics. Just 2 months after finding this video I heard the announcement China was experiencing an outbreak of a new virus. Still I am not that concerned, the video never came back into my memory. By January 2020 we are told this virus from China is spreading, causing some major issues. It was then I went digging into what the symptoms were, treatment protocols etc., only to realize that this matched Fauci's video perfectly. I also realized that it sounded a lot like a virus we had a major outbreak of in 2003-04, called SARS-cv-1 so I instantly went to the FDA website looking to see what treatment we used during this time. I worked in the ER, remembered going through this but my memory was blocked as to what medications we used. The FDA website stated the under Emergency Authorization it had approved only 1 treatment, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). I still didn't get worried because throughout all my yeas working as a nurse we have experienced outbreaks. By March the World was shutting down for the first time ever and that's when things really started to not make sense. This virus had been given a name, Covid-19 aka SARS-cv-2. So I had been on the right track with the symptoms.
Next we are going from 15 days to slow the curve to months, masks had been implemented, 6 ft distancing, everything was shutting down except manufacturing, big box stores, airlines and NOTHING was being discussed as early treatments. That is when the big red flag came out. Why were they treating this differently than every other outbreak? Why are they ignoring every single study/research/treatments recommended from the first SARS virus? Why were they pushing a one size fits all umbrella recommendations when clearly this never works? Simple answer: POLITICS. We know know that the "Follow The Science" was total BS. They admitted this several different ways which isn't important now. All the research from the past were thrown out which "I" feel is responsible for how many now have long term problems from this virus. This isn't new however, we have always had ppl suffer from having a serious virus in the past leading to chronic conditions but unfortunately never made the headline splash that Long Covid did. Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, even Chronic Pain among other diagnosis are associated with this. This is from your body's response to a virus caused by something called Cytokine Storm. You can look this up to read what this causes the body to do.
For many though, this is the first time of actually hearing about possible long term effects from having a virus, which explains why most of everyone experiencing this was healthy before having C-19. We are seeing why anti-virals or any early treatment is important as soon as possible after getting diagnosed. Unfortunately, the politics stopped this from happening with that virus. We DO KNOW now with confirmation by NIH, CDC, & FDA we had treatments available. This force admission came from several law suits.
What upsets me is witnessing how easily the majority of the medical community supported all of this nonsense. Why? Many had their license threatened and several who tried to do the right thing had their licenses suspended requiring court action to get their privileges reinstated. So now when I see a new Doctor or NP I wonder how did they respond to this nonsense? This is also why many do not trust the medical community now, especially since the only time they became vocal was when the mandatory shot was pushed, which affected THEM. That's when we finally heard the voices of reason return. What is also frustrating, is knowing many of them silently took early medication which they refused to offer us. Again, these are facts that are out, easy to find if you stay away from the MSM who regurgitated the lies daily 24/7 for 2 years. I believe it was CNN who finally said, Masks do not work and are causing major health issues for many. I applauded that but it was so late in the game, most of the damage was done. I just have to wonder, now that we know as fact what long term masking caused was it also one of the contributing factors in a few of the conditions now being listed under Long Covid? I bet we might find out in 10-15 years down the road when they think we are over being upset and less likely to sue.
Bringing this home now: every virus including the Flu can cause long term chronic conditions. Maybe this is one of the reasons many of us do not meet all the criteria to have a formal diagnosis. I still remember before FM even CF ppl being labeled as hypochondriacs, frequent flyers, drug seekers, attention seekers, even having depression. We can only hope future medical professionals will stop being tied to a book with the set black/white criteria and begin looking into the gray areas. Europe seems to making better strides at accomplishing this than the US. Fingers crossed as there are many of us out here waiting for some type of hope to have a quality life.
